Recycling Webinar NNZ

NNZ webinar ‘recycling of fibre based packaging’

our speaker: industry expert Barry Read, PITA

04 November 2021

Sustainability plays a key role in ensuring consumer confidence and, hence, sales into growing markets. Sustainability of materials and articles that come in contact with food is now increasing in the top ranking of features that led the consumers’ choices, and recyclability is part of it.  But when exactly is a packaging material recyclable?

Todays topic focused on ‘Recyclabilty of fibre based packaging’.

NNZ invited Cristina Lugli (Technical Manager, Ecolstudio) and Barry Read (Chief Executive, PITA – Paper Industry Technical Association) to talk about:

  1. Fundamentals: introduction to papermaking: the manufacturing process, the raw materials and the additives
  2. Pathway of paperbased packaging for fresh produce. What is the circular wheel the pack gets into and how do recovery systems work . The role of EN 643: sorting, classification, inspection systems; unwanted materials / prohibited materials (New guidance note)
  3. What actually happens to a pack and how can we simulate this in a recyclability assessment: UNI 11743, Cepi Harmonised Test Method, EN 13432 and what does that mean in practice?



CEPI paper based packging - recycling guidelines Ecolstudio: recyclability test
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